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A Sauce For Your Summer

By Chef Brian

A Sauce For Your Summer

So I like those unexpected food discoveries that happen far too rarely.  Luckily I’ve had one recently and it’s just in time for July 4th and the summer grilling season…Blues Hog BBQ Sauce.  I happened upon a single jar of it a week ago and decided to try it on some smoked brisket and pork shoulder I cooked over the weekend.  Oh my.  Seems most of the sauces you find on the grocery shelves these days tend to lean to the sweet profile, some to outright candy-like.  I’ve got nothing against them, they’re delicious, but I like a nice balance to a sauce.  Sweet. Vinegary.  Spicy.  The Blues Hog Tennessee Red delivers.  First ingredient is vinegar so it’s got that edge and a good black pepper heat that’s not over powering.  It’s thinner than a lot of the sauces you may be used to as well.  I like that because I can use it as a sauce and for basting/mopping too.  Blues Hog has a couple of other sauces and dry rubs which I haven’t tried but if they’re as good as the Tennessee Red then I can’t wait.  Check out their website: