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How To Be A Better Cook - Part 1: Don't Be Afraid

By The Chefs

How To Be A Better Cook - Part 1: Don't Be Afraid

We were discussing what makes a person a better cook. Obviously there were many points, all valid, which led to the start of this series: How To Be A Better Cook. Over the next few weeks we’ll give you 10 things to make your food stand out and give you confidence in the kitchen or on the grill. This week we start with the intimidation and fear that can come with cooking and how to overcome those feelings.

Don’t Be Afraid

Don’t be afraid... to make a mistake…to learn. Fear can be something to hold you back if you let it or it can push you forward. Failure is inevitable in everything we do and food and cooking are no different. A craftsman ruins a lot of projects on his or her way to becoming a master. Cooking is a craft and mistakes can lead to disaster but they can also lead to a much better finished product than anticipated. The trick is knowing the difference and pushing ahead.

For the cooking novice don’t be afraid to follow the recipe and have a plan. Knowing where you’re going and how you’re getting there can help take away some of that fear and trepidation.

For the more experienced cooks, often times we get in a rut of tried-and-true recipes, pre-planned meals based on timing, costs, leftovers, etc. that we forget why we love to cook in the first place. We have our list, we shop, all the while we don’t allow the ingredients to take us by the hand and let our creativity happen.

Success can bring confidence and confidence can bring success.